Welcome to Kundalini.Global


Welcome to Kundalini Global
I was drawn to Kundalini yoga after much reading and study, comparing religions and “spiritual paths”.

I write at the point where I have taught kundalini yoga for almost 20 years. I studied with Yogi Bhajan in the 90’s and qualified through one of the first teacher trainings. I emerged a very different person with aspects of myself “activated” by the experience. I was different, I understood, I remembered, as if my genetic coding had been re-awakened.

What is the Kundalini? It is the internal manifestation of the Divine. Said to be the “curl of the hair of the beloved”, it is generally described as a coiled snake, for Christians, The Holy Spirit and in Buddhist terms, The Tao.

Existing throughout the world, this concept of the Divine contained in the body, the energy is manifested in works of art, acts of healing, music, good food, intuition, charismatic people, love, open-hearted exchange, divine sexual union and much, much more.

A simple way of conceptualising the Kundalini is to think about the imperative we all have to be “better than we are now”, this drive that pushes us to make resolutions, to diet, to learn more, to explore ideas and to research, the Kundalini, the Divine within, is asking to be released, to be awakened, to emerge, to be released from the bondage of our personal response to our history.

We keep the energy dormant through our story, our life dramas, the constant revisiting of our negative histories, traumatic memories, shames and sense of being less than. One useful image when thinking about the path to awakening this energy is the Lotus flower that blossoms out of the mud. The seed falls into the dark, deep mud and the energetic process of it’s energy driving it up, out of the mire, also seen as the maya, the illusions of reality, are akin to our personal experience of searching for our own “true” self: We long to be here, present, no pain of the past, no fear of the future clouding how we experience each moment.

What is the Divine? That is a massive question, and one that you may instantly be able to answer, but equally, may have never found or made any sense of as a concept.

For most of us have several possible options: we believe in God through a religious practice, we do not believe in God at all, we reject religion and desire to be spiritual, whatever that means.

Again, for most of us, the notion of God can be fairly external. Mine was always an old man, long white beard, big chair, white robes, randomly chucking down thunderbolts at “us”. For others of us Nature in all it’s glory manifests the Divine, usually in a female form. This is all Transcendent, or outside of ourselves, and usually requires or is moderated by the Intercession of a priest, wizard or Guru.

The Kundalini, let’s abide by this word for the purposes of this text, is a female energy vibrating, pulsating in the body. Connection to, awakening, liberating this energy is to experience Immanence: an internal relationship to the Divine.