Kundalini Global Training and The Esoterics of Posture


In Kundalini Global yoga classes, teachers take many approaches to the practise, but all have been trained to be expert not only in the physiological benefits of posture and breath but also on esoteric thought, which can be fascinating to bring in to working with the physical body… especially when combined with the power of intention.

What Does ‘Esoteric Thought’ Mean?

Esoteric thought may say that we store our trauma in the kidneys or that the liver holds anger.

These things are almost impossible to prove, but still potent lines of thought that science cannot disrupt.

We are each made up of much generational, genealogical, archetypal and experienced energies. Esoteric thought can be the most wonderful way to consider your place in this curious reality.

If esoteric thought is something that interests you, and you would like explore it in depth, the next Kundalini Global level one teacher training is about to be opened up for bookings. It will take place in person, in London, beginning in May 2021, and set over 5 modules.

To be the first to hear be sure to sign up to our newsletter, on the homepage of this website. And keep an eye out for more news on our Instagram account.

The Stomach and Your Reality

To give you a taste of how we may bring in the esoteric into our experience of a class, let’s consider just one of the aspects of a posture we wrote about last week, Sufi Grind, in which we massage the stomach and digestive organs.

Energetically the stomach is said to be the seat of the subconscious mind.
From a scientific perspective we can consider the impact of a posture like Sufi Grind on our stress system, on contractions in the vagus nerve, on changing the hormonal flow in the body, on the release of serotonin.

But we can, too, consider the esoteric thought. That by massaging the stomach we work on the subconscious mind, on aspects of our subconscious that need to be dealt with, or working to change how we digest our reality.

The next training begins in May 2022

On the training we will consider ‘what is the Kundalini energy?’ From there we will explore spirituality, cults of thought, Transcendence and Immanence, the energetics of the physical body and also the upper and lower triangles, the chakra system and much, much more.

Here’s hoping that scientists will finally find the little elephant sitting on a lotus leaf in the root chakra by the time we begin. That would be very wonderful indeed.