All Kundalini Global classes begin with a stretch. It is a simple stretch, from a practical perspective. But despite the ease with which it is practised, it is a magical stretch. A stretch that has a profound impact on the body and mind.
It works with the Vagus nerve, the major muscles involved with your stress system, the fascia, the endocrine system and, from there, the limbic system (a.k.a. the lizard brain) and it says, quickly, gently, ‘It’s ok. You’re safe. You can soften. You can be here. Now.’
From that point onward, completely reset, we continue.

We share this today for a reason.
Times are far from easy right now. The fear, the stress, the overwhelm, the uncertainty… they are off the scale. To keep moving, to keep choosing to stretch, to keep breathing in ways that soften the contractions, the tightness, and that still the mind… it helps. It helps SO much.
Check out the science…
If you want to know the science (and some of us do love the stats) you can find all kinds of studies that support the value of yoga, the posture, the breath work, the coming together online… for coping in a global pandemic.
This study, that included 23,290 participants, showed:
Those practising yoga reported a coping ability of 82.8%. Amongst those not practising yoga, 58.8% found that their ability to cope with Covid and lockdown-related stress was poor.
Those practising yoga had lower levels of anxiety, higher energy levels, less fear of being infected, less fear of financial difficulties, and lower ‘fear of the unknown’ than the non-yoga participants.
And that’s only a snapshot. Those practising yoga also slept better, used the Internet less and had higher levels of physical strength and endurance.
You can read the full study here.
And find masses of other supportive research online.
Yoga helps, no doubt about it.
Not only does yoga help, but Kundalini Global, which consciously works with the stress mechanisms in the body and mind, and works, gently, slowly, mindfully, to land you in the moment, out of the fear of what is to come, out of the pain of what has come before, it is something that is truly needed right now.
It is something that can offer you community, solace, strength, and has benefits not only for you but for those who lean on you in your home, work, community… too.
Over the next month or so, as well as all of the regular Kundalini Global classes with our teachers, you have some magical options to consider including:
The Prayer Workshop
What could be bring more solace in these times?
Starting this coming Sunday (and today is your last chance to book)
Two free pranayama classes with Carolyn Cowan on Christmas Day and Boxing Day:
Last Christmas, these two free classes were incredibly moving. After the year we’d all had, to be in community on Christmas Day, for just half an hour of breath… it was quite a thing.
You do not want to miss this:
If money is any kind of an obstacle then very many of our teachers offer free classes. Check out their individual websites for details.
Of course, there are all kinds of ways to keep active, moving, to reset! Find what works but know that we are here, we get it, we’re trained to work with stress, overwhelm, anxiety… our practise is suitable for all levels of experience and ability, all religious and spiritual belief systems, and we build communities together that really do help.
We’d love to see you in a class.
Take care. Keep moving.
Have a wonderful week.