Free Pregnancy Classes Starting January 2022


Between January – May 2022, Kundalini Global is running its first Radically Inclusive Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training.

As a part of this, over 5 weekends, we are offering 10, completely free, pregnancy yoga classes to anyone who is pregnant. Classes will take place online, via Zoom. You need no prior experience of yoga.

The dates are: 22nd & 23rd January, 19th & 20th February, 19th & 20th March,
23rd & 24th April, 21st & 22nd May.

Kundalini Global classes work with breathwork, stretching, meditation and prayer to land you into a softer, more gentle, more present, state of being. Our aim is to create safe spaces for all people to create change for themselves.

The pregnancy training you will become a part of is the first of its kind, working to create teachers who hold awareness of the reality of pregnancy right now, and the vast array of human experience within that.

Classes will be hosted by Carolyn Cowan, who has over 20 years of experience in the pre-and-postnatal field: both as a yoga teacher and psychotherapist.

We do not need you to be a ‘yummy mummy’ to be. We are looking for human beings who would like to learn some tools for times of fear, stress, overwhelm… and who would like to experience themselves, during this hugely transformative period of their lives, differently.

Links and further information will be sent out the day before each class.

Join us! And do spread the word.