Dr Kavita Abraham-Dowsing


Dr Kavita Abraham-Dowsing Kundalini GlobalCertified in:

Kundalini Global, 220 Hour, Level One Teacher Training.

Altered States: The Breath 

What a radical choice to be here now! The intention to practice Kundalini Global yoga is a revolutionary choice, to step out, to slow down, to notice and to take the time to get to know yourself and your body in this world of competition for your attention and distraction. Yay!

In these times these choices matter, your agency matters and your ability to choose something different, for yourself and for your mind, body and brain matters. I have found this practice of Kundalini Global has had a deep impact on my lifelong journey with yoga and feel the deep privilege of being able to work with clients on the mat, where you are in your world. I will meet you on the mat, where I know extraordinary shifts can happen, and dare I say it, yes – we will have loads of fun along the way! Namaste.


I am a psychologist, a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics, an ICF accredited leadership coach and a lifelong yoga practitioner. I am from Kerala, South India, deeply steeped in yoga traditions, the Advaita Vedanta and the first Indian graduate from the KGTT.

I have lived in Africa, Asia, the Middle and Far East and made my home in London over 25 years ago. My studio, Studio Kaia, is in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, at the foothills of the Chiltern hills. I work along the Mind, Body Brain Continuum, allowing clients to gently explore the impact that stress has on the health of their bodies, roles, identities and presence.

Kundalini Global has provided me the tools to take the understanding of the stress system and its regulation much deeper beyond my previous Ashtanga TT. I work directly with clients, or through large corporates like Bloomberg, the NHS and Google, training executives to ‘flip the mirror’ and explore the nature of their internal worlds as a driver of external outcomes. During my KG teacher training I was diagnosed with diabetes, and with the help of health colleagues, the NHS and Kundalini Global, I was able to move into Diabetes Remission at age 50, showing me once again the extraordinary power of the body to heal itself.

My studio is dedicated to this intention to REMEMBER what we can do with our bodies, with our health. I run retreats internationally, have classes, group work and workshops, bespoke with most clients. I run daily breathwork classes, have a 27-year-long, daily yoga practice, and find this work an extraordinary privilege.I am grateful to my teachers and my grandpa who started me on this journey when I was little. I am in regular supervision as a psychologist, a coach and with Kundalini Global.


You can get in touch with me via my:

Website: https://simplicityconsulting.co.uk/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kavita_abraham_dowsing/