A Free Kundalini Global Online Event: Live Call on Friday 18th February, Do Something Amazing!


Join us at 4pm UK time on Friday 18th February to learn more about Kundalini Global and training with us.

‘Do something amazing’ was the tagline when the first Kundalini Global teacher training was launched back in 2019…

…if the feedback and success of the first few cohorts of teachers in anything to go by, the training certainly lived up to its promise.

What Our Graduates Say

Click on the arrows to look through this selection of feedback 

Why is it so amazing?

As you can see, our graduates are extremely positive about their experience of the training and have lovely things to say.

But what is it about the Kundalini Global Level One Training, when there are so very many 220 hour yoga trainings on offer, that is so special?

What does it offer to trainees, beyond the practicalities of being a ‘good enough’ yoga teacher and learning how to teach postures and breaths well?

We have written on this topic before (see our ‘5 Invitations…’ post here) but we feel that the best way to give those who may be considering taking on the training a big picture view was to gather together our founder, and the person who teaches the majority of the training, Carolyn Cowan, with some of the graduates, for a free event that will tell you lots more.

Join us live on February 18th (a playback will be made available to those signed up, too)

What do trainees learn? What is the belief system behind the practise?

If you have you felt drawn to find out more about the Kundalini Global training then this live Zoom call is a wonderful opportunity to help you decide if you’re ready to take the leap.

Perhaps you’ve tried Kundalini Global classes and want to go deeper into a Kundalini Global practise for yourself.

Perhaps you are curious about this new form of yoga and the teacher training may be different from others…

Perhaps you’ve been considering taking on your first yoga teacher training, weighing up pros and cons, but aren’t sure if this is the one for you…

Or maybe you’re already an experienced yoga teacher (which many of our trainees to date have been) and unsure if you want to make a commitment to another 220 hour course…

These are some of the common themes in the questions we receive and some of what will be answered during this event.

The call will include a talk from Carolyn on Kundalini Global and why she founded it, we will have a Q&A and an opportunity to hear from, and ask questions of, some of the graduates from the first few trainings. We will also do some breath work and posture to give you a taste of how delicious the practise makes you feel.

We would love to see you there.

If you’re interested, all you need to do is sign up with your name and email address.

Sign up for the live call