Kundalini Global Live Call Replay: Hear From Carolyn Cowan and Our Graduates About The Level One Training


On Friday 18th of February we had a wonderful time hosting a live Zoom call for anyone interested in learning more about our Level One Teacher Trainings.

You will find a full recording of the event below.

We would like to say a huge, enormous, thank you to everyone who came along… to our graduates, trainees, teachers… all of whom we are extremely proud of, and to those who took time to come and listen and ask questions. We all enjoyed the call hugely and, if you do choose to join us on the training, we cannot wait to welcome you to our growing community.

Watch The Live Call Replay

Do you want more information?

You can read our FAQs here. 

You can find out about dates and payment options for the online training, beginning in May 2022 by clicking here. 

You can find out more about dates and payment options for the in-person training, in collaboration with SEVA Experiences, by clicking here.

Click on the images to the right to download PDFs about our online training beginning in May, and about our in-person training, in Dubai, in November. Inside you will find lots of information including:

  • What a day on the training looks like.
  • The core syllabus of the training.
  • Certification criteria.
  • An example of a Kundalini Global meditation that you can keep and try for yourself.

A Brave and Generous Act

Training to teach Kundalini Global is an interesting, brave, and generous thing to do. For yourself, and for those who you can share the practise with after gaining certification.

Kundalini Global trainees have a unique skill-set within the world of yoga. We train teachers to be self-reflective rather the self-obsessed, to work with the 21st century body and mind and all that they bring to the mat, we work with a potent combination of up-to-date physiological, psychological, anatomical and neuroscientific theory and research into the body and mind.

Our founder, Carolyn Cowan, really has created something amazing. You can learn more about Carolyn on her Wikipedia page here.

Need more?

If you have more questions that are not covered in the video, downloads or FAQs please email media@kundalini.global or send us a DM on our Instagram Page. 

You can also get more of an idea of our ethos, what you can expect in training with us and areas that Kundalini Global is fascinated by via our ‘Stories’ section on this website.

Click to download brochure about the training beginning in May 2022, online.

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