Having Grit in Holding and Trusting The Self…


In Kundalini Global classes you may well hear, or have heard, Carolyn and other teachers talking about the power of yoga in ‘these times’.

The times we bring into our awareness in stating this could be considered relative to the eco trauma we all almost undoubtedly hold, to the curious existence and existential fear inherent in being alive through a global pandemic, or it could be about the endless invitation to be extremely dysregulated on social media (and we could certainly continue this list on what our experience, our reality, has been over the past few years…)

Some may have loved the changes the past two years have brought to their lives, we have no interest in assuming or prescribing what your experience is or could be… but, for the many, it has been tough. And yoga has helped. It has helped in stepping out of overwhelm, fear, of short, fast thinking and tight, contracted bodies. It has helped in building community. And also, undoubtedly, all of this combined has helped enormously in our ability to hold ourselves and to trust ourselves. When we turn up to class again and again and again this is felt particularly strongly.

Over the weekend, Carolyn taught a wonderful workshop on Prosperity and Abundance and an interesting word came into the room: Grit. 

Having a yoga practise (or any kind of physical practise) that you commit to daily is one of the ways we can connect to our grit.

In this context, we use the word grit as describing an ability to persevere and being passionate in working for long-term goals that have meaning for us. 

Staying committed to you…

Having grit means being able to persistently hold something – a goal, an ambition, a project, an intention –  and to be able to persevere when things come in that could potentially distract you or get in the way. Grit is about commitment.  It allows us to stay committed to tasks in which we could meet challenges, boredom…   and then persevering none-the-less.

In our own ways we are all extremely talented, gifted, clever… but to be able to succeed in our goals (and the goal could be about staying strong in tricky times as much as about starting a business) to really succeed, to thrive, we need the ability to persevere.

Without grit, our gold, our talent, can remain as unmet potential.

Scientific research has shown that our ability to be gritty is a key aspect of being successful. And that this is independent of, and goes far beyond, what talent and intelligence contribute. If you’re interested in learning more there is an interesting book delving into this called ‘Grit’ by Angela Duckworth.

Kundalini Global teachers are committed to this ability to hold ourselves with a persevering determination. We are a gritty bunch. This is why we have regular supervision, where we can look at what gets in the way, it is why we commit, as teachers, to daily practise and why we always invite our clients to consider doing the same (and a daily practise does not have to be yoga… we will write on this soon!)

Yoga can help build on an inherent grittiness that we ALL have the ability to activate. In Kundalini Global, as we work so potently with intention, we bring such concepts to the forefront.

So, the next time you hear a teacher in class talking about yoga ‘in these times’ perhaps you can consider your grit. Your ability to keep showing up. Your ability to persevere and trust in yourself that you can. You can. You are. Hold the goal. Hold yourself. Trust that you can do it. With tools. With grit. And, as teachers, we can help guide you along the way.

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